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Edibles, Shrooms and Hallucinogen Products > LSD 5 Tabs each .1000 microgram
LSD 5 Tabs each .1000 microgram

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Price: $30.00
Availability: in stock

LSD / ACID Paper Tabs 

Each tab is .1000 Microgram which is for a common high 7-10 hours

This is Old School LSD - ACID

For $30.00 you receive 5 tabs.

Our LSD is packaged in 5 tabs in a silver foil - each tab needs to be divided - for micro-dosing cut each tab in a half or quarter for a party high take the whole tab.  Please keep tabs in the silver foil so they do not lose their potency.

Please read all the details on the Full LSD experience and our Micro-dosing LSD details.


Full LSD Tab experience

The physical effects of LSD are unpredictable from person-to-person. Usually, the first effects of the drug when taken by mouth are felt 30 to 45 minutes after taking it, peak at 2 to 4 hours, and may last 8 hours or longer. 

Effects include:

  • hallucinations
  • distorted visual perception of shapes, colors
  • altered sounds
  • anxiety and depression
  • flashbacks (a return of the "trip" experience) days or months later
  • rapid heart rate, increased body temperature and high blood pressure
  • dilated pupils

Extreme changes in mood can occur. If taken in large enough doses, the drug produces delusions and visual hallucinations. Overdose can lead to severe psychosis. Death is often due to a direct injury while under LSD influence; there is no known lethal dose of LSD.

The physical effects can also include nausea, loss of appetite, increased blood sugar, difficulty sleeping, dry mouth, tremors and seizures.

The user may also experience impaired depth and time perception, with distorted perception of the size and shape of objects, movements, color, sound, touch and their own body image. Sensations may seem to "cross over," giving the feeling of hearing colors and seeing sounds. These changes can be frightening and can cause panic. Some LSD users also experience severe, terrifying thoughts and feelings, fear of losing control, and fear of insanity or death.

An experience with LSD is referred to as a "trip". Acute, disturbing psychological effects are known as a "bad trip". These experiences are lengthy, with the effects of higher doses lasting for 6 to 12 hours, and it may take 24 hours to return to a normal state.

However if you are interested in Microdosing LSD

Microdosing is the act of consuming a sub-perceptual dose of a psychoactive compound. Many users believe that consuming an extremely small dose brings some of the positive effects of the substance while still remaining fully functional to carry on with all of the activities of a standard day. A typical microdose is somewhere around a quarter or half of the amount of this standard dose.

The History of Microdosing

When it comes to microdosing, there is very little history in regards to scientific studies around microdosing. No formal research was conducted prior to 1966 when a prohibition on psychedelic research was established through most of the western world. There has been recent interest in microdosing with some scientists looking to derive results from user experiences and others looking to conduct clinical studies.

Why do People Microdose? 

Most people try microdosing psychedelics to enhance their creativity, energy levels, emotional stability, and alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and addiction.

Can You Microdose LSD?

LSD is one of the most popular substances to microdose with. Many users report an overall improvement in their health and wellness both physiologically and psychologically. Common effects of microdosing LSD include increased energy, improvements in work effectiveness, and better health habits. Some users even report it alleviated symptoms of migraines, pre-menstrual syndromes, traumatic brain injury, and shingles.

What is Considered a Microdose of LSD?

A microdose of LSD is considered to be a sub-perceptual dose meaning the effects are mostly unnoticeable. How much this dose would be is very subjective depending on the individual. Try 1/4 of a tab or 1/2 a tab one day then a day off or 2 days in a row then a day off.. This prevents a tolerance from building up and allows you to subjectively determine the effects compared to an off day and a day of microdosing.


Common Effects when Microdosing LSD

Common effects of microdosing LSD include increased energy, improvements in work effectiveness, and better health habits.

How LSD works inside your body

The basic mechanism behind how LSD produces its effects involves the substance binding to the serotonin receptors in the central and peripheral nervous system. These receptors are called 5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT, receptors. LSD binds to most types of these receptors except the 5-HT3 and 5-HT4 receptors. The most important receptor it binds to, which produced the majority of its effects, is called the 5-HT2A receptor. This causes a cross-activation of the heteromers of this receptor which is thought to produce to the psychedelic effect.

Large Doses

When consumed in large doses, LSD produces a profound psychedelic effect involving:

  • Closed and open eye visuals
  • Dilated pupils
  • Reduced appetite
  • Euphoria
  • Heightened emotions
  • An altered sense of reality

Small Doses

Small doses of LSD, referred to as a “microdose,” does not produce any of these strong effects. A real microdose should not produce any acute effects that are very noticeable, but rather a psychological and social benefit from regularly consuming microdoses. These effects may include increases in:

  • Vitality
  • Creativity
  • Social ability
  • Focus
  • Analytical thinking
  • Positive mood
  • Memory
  • Mindfulness
  • General wellbeing

Common Interactions when Microdosing LSD

The largest concern in how LSD interacts with other substances comes from the knowledge of what could happen when mixing it with Lithium or any other tricyclic antidepressant. This combination has the potential to cause serious seizures. Another interaction that has cause for concern is with any SSRI due to the increased chances of inducing serotonin syndrome. Serotonin syndrome is a potentially fatal disorder caused by an overload of serotonin. Lastly, benzodiazepine tends to lower the effectiveness of LSD. Remember there are more than 15 different types of benzodiazepine medications that exist. If you are on any medications, it would be wise to consult a physician and an interaction chart before consuming a psychedelic substance.

Safety Concerns

There are potential safety concerns when microdosing LSD for individuals with pre-existing heart conditions. This concern comes from the vasoconstriction caused by most psychedelics including LSD. It also tends to alter an individual’s heart rate which can cause complications with an existing heart condition.